Is Solid Wood Flooring Safe for Children? Absolutely, and Here’s Why…

Above the canopy / 09 September 2024

heritage oak flooring

We all want flooring that is safe for children, easy to clean, and non-toxic. Solid wood flooring is a perfect choice for homes with children, offering a durable and healthy option. A common question we hear is, “Is solid wood flooring safe for children?” The answer is yes—especially when you choose toxin-free, chemical-free, and sustainably milled solid wood flooring made by Coppice & Crown. 

Your little one likely spends a lot of time crawling and playing on the floor. That’s why it’s important to choose a comfortable, natural wood flooring option. While solid wood is a hard surface, it provides more warmth than stone or slate. Additionally, our natural wood floors pair beautifully with rugs for added softness, offering the perfect balance of safety and comfort for children.

British wood flooring

Non-Toxic, Pure Natural Wood Flooring.....

One of the biggest benefits of wood flooring for children is its non-toxic, chemical-free properties. All our solid wood flooring is milled using solar energy, ensuring a clean, eco-friendly journey from tree to floorboard. Unlike engineered boards, which contain glues and chemicals that may emit harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs), our solid wood flooring is free from glues, chemicals, and VOCs—providing a safer environment for your family.

Easy to Clean and Perfect for Messy Children .....

We know children can be messy! Luckily, our British wood flooring is perfect for homes with children. Spills can be easily mopped up, and regular maintenance with a vacuum or brush will keep the floor looking its best –  watch our cleaning video. In case of major accidents, solid wood flooring allows you to sand and refinish problem areas, making it as good as new.


A Healthier Choice for Allergy-Prone Children.....

Our British wood floors are also a clean and hygienic choice for children. Unlike carpets, which trap dust and allergens, wood flooring is easier to maintain and has less chance of harbouring harmful bacteria. This makes it a healthier choice, especially for children with allergies or asthma.

Choosing Sustainable, British Wood Flooring.....

Raising children often makes us more conscious of the environment. Choosing British solid wood flooring is not only a responsible decision but also a long-lasting one. Our floors last for generations, and by selecting Grown in Britain certified wood, you ensure your boards are fully traceable and sustainably sourced. Plus, choosing British wood supports a legal and ethical workforce, reducing the carbon footprint and avoiding the risks of illegal timber imports.

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