Top Tips in Cleaning a Solid Wood Floor

Above the canopy / 12 May 2020

Read our top tips to perfectly cleaning a solid wood flooring. Our British wood flooring is especially easy to look after and they preserve their beautiful natural state if treated correctly. One benefit of a solid wood floor over that of engineered and other laminates, is that any noticeable marks from wear and tear can be sanded out if absolutely necessary. However, we believe it is the creation of these marks which gives your floor its character and charm, and makes it part of your home.

Our wood floors don’t mark easily, making cleaning a solid wood floor very easy. Being hardwood, they are far less likely to mark from any shoe damage or furniture marks than softwood floors or engineered. However, we do advise using soft pads at the base of your furniture for extra protection of your British wood floor. We’ve got a handy post about pets and children on our flooring which you may which to check out here. 

wooden floor cleaning
mopping floor

For everyday cleaning of your wide plank flooring, a brush is perfectly fine, or you can use a vacuum cleaner. Mop as little as possible. It is fine to mop, but excess moisture should be avoided, so use hot water that will evaporate quickly. We recommend using Osmo Wash and Care for cleaning a solid wood floor. For a more natural product, but equally as effective and available in most supermarkets, use Method Squirt & Mop.

Most of our customers lay their British wood flooring and leave it for life. However, in a  few years you may want to use Bourne’s Traffic Wax to give your floor some added shine. This can be applied (read label as dependant on the final finish you use on your floor) and buffed into the grain. It removes dullness from the floor. Many people choose never to use this product, but for customers who prefer a high satin sheen, it’s a good method to use every few years.

waxing floor
british wood flooring

The most important point to remember for your British wood flooring is that all spills should be wiped up and dried as quickly as possible. If there is ever any serious damage to any of your floor boards, unlike engineered floors, sanding them is a perfectly viable option. With up to 21mm of depth, you can sand out most marks. However, we are always happy to supply our wood flooring to match your width requirements, and offer advise. Watch our video for maintenance and tips on cleaning a solid wood floor. 

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