Different wood floor finishes for results that inspire

Above the canopy / 03 October 2023

wood floor finishes

The colour of your wood floor finishes can greatly influence the overall ambiance and functionality of your space. We’ve put together some pros and cons of using different coloured wood floor finishes in your home to help you find the perfect look for your home. 

The positives of using a light wood floor finishes are numerous.

Brightens up Spaces: Light wood can make a room appear more open, spacious, and airy.

Hides Scratches and Dust: Light-coloured floors tend to hide dust, pet hair, and minor scratches better than darker shades.

Versatility: Light wood often pairs well with both modern and traditional interior designs.

Neutral Base: They offer a neutral backdrop which makes it easier to redecorate without changing the flooring.

We don’t think there are many negatives to choosing a light wood floor, but here are two pointers to think about on your journey. 

May Show Stains: Light floors might show coloured stains more prominently, such as spilled beverages. However, with all of our floors, the best thing to do with any long lasting stains is resend and refill that area. 

Trend Sensitivity: If chosen because they are ‘in vogue’, they may go out of fashion and appear dated later.

Medium Wood Floor Finishes have their pro points too. 

Timelessness: Medium-toned woods often strike a balance, giving a timeless appeal.

Versatility: They can match a wide range of interiors, from rustic to contemporary.

Warmth: They can impart a warm ambiance to spaces.

Balanced Maintenance Visibility: They strike a balance between hiding and showing blemishes- what’s not to love! 

natural wood flooring

We can’t really think of any negatives for going for a medium tone wood floor, but to be fair, we’ve thought of one. 

Less Dramatic: They might not have the boldness of dark woods or the airy feel of light woods, but that doesn’t mean they’re not beautiful and timeless. 

Who doesn’t love a rich and glorious dark wood floor full of tone and depth. they can bring so much to a design.

Elegance: Dark woods can lend a sense of luxury and sophistication to spaces.

Contrast: They can provide a striking contrast, especially with light walls and furniture.

Hides Stains: Darker woods can be more forgiving with darker spills and stains.

Richness: Dark wood often emphasises the wood’s grain and texture, creating depth.

As with any good thing, there are usually a few negatives to be considered in your plans.

Shows Pet Hair and Dust: Dust, and pet hair are usually more visible on dark wood.

Makes Spaces Feel Smaller: Dark floors can make rooms feel more enclosed and intimate.

Maintenance: They may require more frequent cleaning to keep looking their best.

Light Absorption: Dark floors absorb more light, which can make a room feel darker, requiring additional lighting solutions.

At the end of the day, each interior is completely unique to us, and our wooden floor can help reflect this style. Here are a few helpful final tips to consider when planning you final wood floor finishes. 

Consider the Room’s Purpose: In high-traffic areas, a medium or light finish might be more forgiving. In formal areas, a dark finish can add gravitas.

Think About Resale: Neutral tones tend to have broader appeal for potential homebuyers.

Test Samples: Before finalising a choice, get samples and test them in the room. Observe them at different times of the day and under various lighting conditions.

UV Exposure: Over time, wood can change color due to UV exposure. Some finishes might fade or darken more noticeably.

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