Underfloor Heating FAQs
Do I need to have my heating on constantly?
You don’t need to have your underfloor heating on all the time, but during the winter, we recommend a low constant heat.
Can I see examples of solid wood floors laid over underfloor heating?
Please visit the links below to see Coppice & Crown solid wood flooring over underfloor heating and be inspired by our clients’ design projects.
Will underfloor heating damage my wood floor?
Underfloor heating will not cause your hardwood flooring to crack or split, providing you keep the air humidity between 30% and 60% Relative Humidity (RH) – This is a very typical of a UK lived in home. If the floor’s surface rises above 27°C, then the air humidity of the room can fall below 30% RH- Which is incredibly dry and uncomfortable to live in. Keeping the air humidity above 30% RH is essential to prevent damage to your solid wood flooring. Rest assured the average humidity inside UK homes is around 50-55% RH range and will be slightly lower in winter months.
Will I get contraction gaps between summer & winter when using underfloor heating?
Wood is a natural material and is, therefore, always looking to reach a balanced moisture level compared to the relative air humidity.
Coppice & Crown wood flooring is kiln-dried to 9-10% moisture content. Underfloor heating will not cause contraction gaps. However, a high surface temperature can, hence why we reiterate the importance of keeping the surface temperature of your boards below 27°C.
It is only if the air humidity drops to 30% RH (an extremely low humidity to live in), the wood will reach equilibrium at 6% moisture content, and contraction gaps would then visible. This is an extremely unlikely scenario, as it would be uncomfortable to live in these conditions.